Impact of Carob Pods Powder on the Physical and Sensory Properties of Ice Cream

Document Type : Original Article


Dairy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia 4􀀠522, Egypt


The effects of carob pod fruit po􀀩der as a partial replacement of ice cream mi􀀪 SNF 􀀩ith levels of 8%, 􀀠6%
and 24% on the physical and sensory properties of ice cream 􀀩ere evaluated. Specific gravity, 􀀩eight per gallon, pH
values, freezing point and some rheological parameters of the prepared ice cream mi􀀪es, also the overrun, melting
resistance and sensory characteristics of the resultant ice cream 􀀩ere determined. Specific gravity, 􀀩eight per gallon
and freezing point of ice cream mi􀀪es increased by replacement of SNF 􀀩ith carob pods po􀀩der. Also, the addition of
carob pods fruit caused significant (p<􀀟.􀀟5) increase in apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity and consistency inde􀀪 along
the aging period at 5±􀀠˚C for 24 hr. On contrary, overrun decreased significantly (p<􀀟.􀀟5) as replacement of SNF
increased. Moreover, the melting resistance (lo􀀩 melting ability) of carob ice cream sho􀀩ed a positive proportional
(p<􀀟.􀀟5) 􀀩ith replacement levels of carob pods po􀀩der. Partially replacement of ice cream SNF 􀀩ith carob pods
po􀀩der up to the level of 24% can be considered as carob flavoured ice cream 􀀩ith good physical and sensory
