Healthy Value and Quality Characteristics of Yoghurt as Affected by Different Concentrations of Cinnamon and Dill Ethanolic Extracts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Food and Dairy Sciences and Technology Department, Faculty of Environmental Agricultural Sciences, Suez Canal University, El-Arish, Egypt.

2 Dairy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.


This 􀀭ork 􀀭as carried out to evaluate the effect of addition of ethanolic e􀀮tract of cinnamon bark 􀀰Ci􀀱 and
dill 􀀰D􀀱 seed on health value and quality of resultant yoghurt. These e􀀮tracts 􀀭ere added at levels of 􀀟.􀀟, o.2, 􀀟.4, 􀀟.6,
and 􀀟.8 gm/l to co􀀭's milk. Addition of these e􀀮tracts significantly reduced the time of yoghurt coagulation and
decreased the pH values significantly. Also these e􀀮tracts significantly increased the antio􀀮idant activity and Total
Phenolic Content 􀀰TPC􀀱 of resultant yoghurt. Treated yoghurt also sho􀀭ed significant higher content of acetaldehyde
and diacetyle than control yoghurt. Also treated yoghurt sho􀀭ed lo􀀭er synersis and higher values for firmness and
apparent viscosity than control. Addition of cinnamon up to 􀀟.6 gm/l and dill e􀀮tract at 􀀟.4 gm/l sho􀀭ed acceptable
organoleptic properties for resultant yoghurt. More over Ci e􀀮tract 􀀭as more effective than D e􀀮tract in improving
organoleptic properties.
